Everything You Need to Know About a Solar Water Heater

During the earlier years, water heaters were essentially black large metal containers heated several hours under the sun. Containers were painted in black since the color is a good heat conductor. Through the container, the water stored within is also heated. Although the process is easy, heating water this manner is indeed time-consuming. With technological innovation, a faster and a lot of efficient systems are developed, that is currently known as a solar water heater. What you would like to Know A solar water heater, as the name implies, makes use of the sunlight to heat water. It works in two different types: the active system or the passive system. an active system makes use of an electrical pump to flow into the heat-transfer fluid, whereas the passive system has no pump at all. In an active system, a water heater is further characterized as an open-loop or closed-loop system. The main difference between the two is that an open-loop system (also referred as ...